
Introducing our Newsletter, If Plants Could Talk...

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If Plants Could Talk Newsletter


Sidebar_DOC-9-12If Plants Could Talk...About Irrigation

Supplementing rainfall or lack of rainfall with water supplied by irrigation systems through periods of soil-water deficit can help to increase yields and improve the quality of harvested plant products. This is particularly important for high-value crops such as vegetables...


june_2012If Plants Could Talk...About EC in Turf

Don’t wear yourself out while managing your greens. Use these precision tools to maintain the best daily playing conditions and make your job less stressful. With Spectrum tools, measuring is quick and easy!....


may_2012If Plants Could Talk...About Greenhouses

Many greenhouse growers encounter plant nutrition problems that affect plant quality and profitability. That’s because their focus has been reactive instead of proactive…to have a plan in place with the right diagnostic tool to prevent problems is a critical step for Greenhouse productivity and success....



If Plants Could Talk...About Turf

Proper soil moisture is critical for keeping greens uniformly firm and healthy. However, the challenge for turf supervisors is to maintain the right amount of water in the soil. When soil moisture drops below the proper level, problems develop...



If Plants Could Talk...About pH

Soil and water pH is the single most important aspect in determining nutrient availability to crops. When pH is not at a proper level, your plants will lose their ability to absorb essential nutrients required for healthy growth...



If Plants Could Talk...About Soil Moisture

Soil moisture plays a critical role in the life of vegetable plants. They need adequate water to develop a strong root system. They also depend heavily on water for expansion and growth. However, the challenge for vegetable growers is to maintain the right amount of water in the soil....



If Plants Could Talk...About Nutrients

Proper nutrient management is key to healthy plant growth, especially with high-value vegetable crops that have a short growing season. Maintaining the right amounts of nitrogen and potassium is essential for achieving crop yield and size requirements.



If Plants Could Talk...About IPM

Are You Prepared to Fight Pests That Attack Profits?
Apple scab. Fire blight. Sooty blotch. Aaagh! Most orchards have to contend with these destructive diseases. Is your Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program doing enough to address these problems cost-effectively while minimizing environmental impacts?



If Plants Could Talk...About EC

Spotty nutrition management leads to unsellable plants. In today's tough economy, greenhouse growers are under intense pressure to grow plants precisely, consistently and flawlessly - but also cost-effectively...



If Plants Could Talk...About Light

Insufficient light levels can negatively affect plant growth. Learn how accurate light measurement can give your operation an advantage!



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